
Comprehensive Dental Services in Raleigh, NC

Our dental services go beyond making sure your pet has fresh breath. Many underlying health issues can be addressed through routine dental care and thoughtful diets. Left unaddressed, issues with pets teeth can weaken their immune system and open the gate for potential organ issues. By observing how your pet eats and what your pet eats, we can increase their quality of life beyond just a teeth cleaning. We observe the health of your pet’s gums, tongues, teeth, and assess what is up to par and what needs to be changed. By choosing our dental check up service, we can make sure your pet is in ship-shape before any other issues arise.

Why Dental Health Matters

Dental disease is one of the most common health issues in pets, affecting their comfort, health, and quality of life. Poor dental health can lead to:

  • Pain and Discomfort: Dental issues can cause significant pain, leading to difficulty eating and changes in behavior.
  • Infections: Bacteria from dental disease can spread to other parts of the body, causing serious infections in the heart, liver, and kidneys.
  • Tooth Loss: Advanced dental disease can lead to the loss of teeth, impacting your pet’s ability to eat and maintain proper nutrition.
  • Bad Breath: Persistent bad breath is often a sign of dental disease and should not be ignored.

Our Dental Services

We offer a wide range of dental services to maintain and improve your pet’s oral health. Our veterinary service offers these services at our home office, providing a relaxing environment for your pet to address their dental concerns.

Dental Examinations

Regular dental exams are crucial for detecting and preventing dental issues. Our thorough dental examinations include:

  • Oral Health Assessment: We examine your pet’s teeth, gums, and mouth to identify any signs of dental disease or abnormalities.
  • Dental History Review: We discuss your pet’s dental history, diet, and any concerns you may have about their oral health.

Professional Teeth Cleaning

Our professional teeth cleaning services help prevent dental disease and maintain your pet’s oral health. This includes:

  • Scaling and Polishing: We remove plaque and tartar buildup from your pet’s teeth and polish them to prevent future accumulation.
  • Gum Care: We clean below the gum line to treat and prevent gum disease, ensuring healthy gums and preventing infections.

Dental X-Rays

Dental X-rays are an essential tool for diagnosing hidden dental issues that are not visible during a routine examination. We offer:

  • Advanced Imaging: Our service includes portable dental X-ray equipment to provide detailed images of your pet’s teeth and jaw.
  • Comprehensive Assessment: X-rays help us detect problems such as tooth root abscesses, bone loss, and other issues that require attention.


In cases where a tooth is severely damaged or infected, extraction may be necessary. Our mobile vet service provides:

  • Pain Management: We ensure your pet is comfortable and pain-free throughout the procedure with appropriate anesthesia and pain relief.
  • Safe Removal: Our experienced veterinarians perform extractions safely, minimizing stress and discomfort for your pet.

Preventative Care

Preventing dental issues before they start is key to maintaining your pet’s oral health. We offer:

  • Dental Hygiene Education: We provide guidance on brushing your pet’s teeth, selecting appropriate dental products, and maintaining a healthy diet for optimal dental health.
  • Regular Check-Ups: We recommend regular dental check-ups to monitor your pet’s oral health and address any issues early.

Schedule an Appointment with Us Today! 

Ensure your pet’s dental health is in top condition with our veterinary dental services. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and experience the convenience and quality of our comprehensive dental care, delivered right to your doorstep. Your pet’s health and happiness are our top priorities, and we are dedicated to providing the best dental care possible.